
Human readable error messages with D42AutoDisc client v3.1.2

Based on feedback, we have worked on creating more understandable error messages in the windows based auto-discovery client. The following changes are part of this release.

  • Auto-discovery error message are now documented at
  • Previous, for windows auto-discovery, if the autodiscovery client did not find OS info, it did not bring in any information about the device. In the current version, even if some information is not available, whatever information is available will be sent to the device42 appliance.
  • In linux auto-discovery, an empty serial # and empty UUID were sent to the appliance if the sudo permission was missing (for dmidecode). In the new version, sudo permission is no longer required.

New client availability

You can grab v3.1.2 of the Auto-discovery client from device42 auto-discovery download page.

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