
Drag multiple racks plus new zooming options in server room layout view in v6.3.1

Happy new year! We are excited to start 2015 with the following changes in v6.3.1

Drag multiple racks or other objects in server room layout


You can now select multiple objects in the room layout view and drag and drop them to anywhere in the room. Also, the rotate 90 or 180 degrees hover options work for multiple selected racks now. To select multiple objects, use ctrl + select.

Zoom-in, zoom-out for the data center layouts


If your room is too big or too small, you can use the new zoom slider to fit the room in the view window.

API changes

  • The devices POST API now accepts a “new_hardware” parameter. Use this if you want to change the hardware model for a device with an existing hardware model.
  • The device GET API call now accepts a “tags_and” parameter. Use this to filter by one or more comma separated tags. If you have multiple tags, they will be “AND”ed together so that all must apply for a record of data to be returned.

Cosmetic Changes

  • The device host for a virtual or blade device has been changed from a drop down to a popup for better search functionality.

Background task processor changes

We have made following changes to the daemon that handles the background tasks:

  • If you increase the # of CPUs/cores, it will automatically add new threads to handle more tasks.
  • On application restart, all running jobs are now canceled (previously, it was resulting in occasional jobs being stuck causing subsequent jobs not to run).
  • Multiple tasks can now run at the same time so you will rarely see a task that is “scheduled for running”).

Improved server room layouts in v6.3.1

Current users can grab v6.3.1 update file from: /update/

If you haven’t started using Device42 yet, you can download a fully functional free trial from: /download/

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