
ATEN PDU support and more RITTAL PDU models with v3.0.2 of Device42 power appliance

We are excited to announce v3.0.2 of the power appliance with the following changes.

ATEN PDU support

We have added support for ATEN PDUs. You can auto-discover the power units and also monitor power. One thing to note here is that there is no serial # in the snmp output, so we are using mac address as a unique identifier in place of the serial number as a workaround for now.

More Rittal PDU models

We have added support for RITTAL-CMC-III pdus

Bug fixes

  • Fixed serial number formatting for EatonXUPS.
  • Fixed unitialized warnings for ServerTechSentry3

Latest version of power appliance

You can grab the update for the latest version of power appliance from: /update/

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