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ZenDesk – Device42 CMDB Integration Updated

We’re happy to announce the latest release of the Device42 ZenDesk Integration Plugin. A lot of improvements went into this release, including some new features that’ll surely make both existing and new users alike ask, “where do I download”?!

What’s new in the latest release?

New features allow end users to submit tickets and simply do their best to describe their problem, while the assigned tech can follow up and add relevant device information to the ticket, selecting it from a list of existing end-user associated devices. This links the device to the ticket, and going forward, both the end user and the agent can follow the link to get CI details on the linked device.

High Level Change Summary:

Added an agent view that allows an agent to see the list of the devices linked to (owned by) the reporterAdded the ability to see detailed information on the devices linked to the reporter from the new agent view. Added the ability to link a device associated with the reporter to the ticket in single clickComplete re-work of the interface: the addition of ajax requests made for a more user-friendly user and agent panel to Download the integration plugin, visit our Zendesk Integration page and see a few more screenshots of our free ZenDesk plugin in action!

If you aren’t a Device42 user yet, don’t wait any longer! Getting up and running is FREE, and you’ll need both Device42 & ZenDesk to take advantage of this integration. Grab your 30-day free trial of Device42 today!

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