
Device42 is now Available on the AWS Marketplace

Device42 now on AWS Marketplace

Device42, Now on the AWS Marketplace

We’re very excited to announce the debut of Device42 on the AWS Marketplace, available now.

As more and more businesses turn to cloud IT, Device42 customers also expressed interest in running Device42 in the cloud. It’s always been very important to us at Device42, however, that the process of getting Device42 up and running remains simple and fast: No lengthy setup, no professional engagements, and no time-consuming network and span port configuration.

With that in mind, Device42’s new Amazon Machine Image (aka AMI) is 1-click ready, meaning set-up is truly simple!

Device42 on AWS – in minutes!

Get up and running on EC2 in just a few simple steps via the AWS Marketplace:

  • Search the Marketplace for “Device42” to locate the Device42 AMI listing on Amazon
  • Select your AWS instance size
  • Generate an SSH key for access
  • Generate custom security rules from the built-in template

…And you’re up and running!
No need to be an AWS guru to run Device42 in the cloud. For detailed instructions, see “Getting started with Device42 on AWS” on the Device42 DOCS site.

Running discovery from Device42 on AWS is easy, too

Simply provide your outbound IP address and the correct firewall rules are automatically generated, allowing you to seamlessly connect to local Remote Collectors (RCs) and Windows Discovery Service (WDS) instances the same as if they were local.


Click “Launch” to get startedBegin discovery in minutes – try it today!


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